Welcome to Fort Reno!

SWEETHEARTS DINNER February 13, 2025

CLOSED Monday February 17, 2025 for President’s Day (federal holiday)


 One of Oklahoma’s Most Historic Landmarks   

National Registry of Historic Places (NR70000529)

Historic Fort Reno, Inc., is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and use of the historical and cultural resources of Fort Reno. Its mission is to secure funding for the restoration of historic structures, Visitor Center and Museum operations and activities, educate the public through historical interpretation, and establish those partnerships necessary for the long-term stability of the organization.  Although we operate within a federal installation, all funding is raised by fundraising efforts, grants, and donations. No state or federal funding is currently available to support our efforts.

                                 OETA Series “Back In Time”. January 9, 2024 (POW Camps in OK)

                                 OKLiving Magazine Article – History Comes Alive at Fort Reno

                                  Route 66 Magazine Article (12/2022-1/2023)Home of the Cavalry      

                                  The Sunday Oklahoman (4/2023)-It’s All History                              

Visitor Center and Museum

The Fort Reno Visitor Center and Museum include a wide display of artifacts, photographs, images of the 1888 Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, German POW letters, Buffalo Soldiers, Frederic Remington art inspired by his visit, the famous riderless horse Black Jack, historical dress, information about our living history events and much more.

Fort Reno
Visitor Center Museum
7107 W. Cheyenne St.
El Reno, OK 73036
Mailing Address:
Historic Fort Reno, Inc.
P.O. Box 1366
El Reno, OK 73036

Hours of operation:

10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday-Friday

Winter Hours May Vary

Gate Automatically Closes at 4:30 P.M.

Closed on Federal Holidays EXCEPT Memorial Day and Veterans Day

Museum Admission

Children 4 and under           Free

Children (5-17)                   $ 4.00
Adults (18-54)                    $ 6.00
Seniors (55+)                     $ 5.00
Military (with I.D.)             $ 5.00

Call 405-262-3987 for group rates – Above pricing excludes special events!


Volunteers are vitally important to the success of our events and the day to day functions of the Visitors Center. You’d be surprised what only a few hours a week, even a month, can do to help preserve our history.

2010 Outstanding Local
Historical Organization

2010 Organization
of the Year

If you would like to use any of the information and photos on this website, please feel free but please give credit to Historic Fort Reno when doing so.

Website Updated:  January 15, 2025

December 18, 2024

December 15, 2024

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