Major Henry “Pappy” Weeks has been portrayed by Jack Whenry since Tombstone Tales started in 1998. Mr. Whenry was born and raised at Fort Reno and joined the Navy as an adult. He and his wife Dorothe are retired teachers and volunteer their time helping with Fort Reno events.
Died: August 10, 1931 Burial No. 177
Born to an Iowa Judge in 1885, Major Henry J. Weeks attended West Point Military Academy where he was an All-American football player. After graduating from West Point in 1908, Weeks was sent to the Philippine Islands for a tour of duty. Upon completion of his tour, Weeks was transferred to Europe where he fought during WWI. Major Weeks was commandant of Fort Reno for 7 years. He died of a heart attack after a day of playing polo, a popular sport at Fort Reno at that time.